Fall retreat
Hey! The Fall Youth Retreat is almost here, and it is going to be AWESOME! It’ll be fun, crazy, passionate, deep, wild, a little unexpected, and filled with tons of your friends.
November 23rd – 25th
Don't miss the event of the year
- cost
The total cost of the trip is $50 which includes everything. All meals and snacks will be provided, so no extra cash is needed. Sponsorships are available.
- Times
We will be meeting at the church Saturday, November 23rd at 1:00. We’ll return Monday, November 25th at 12:30.
- location
We will meet at Grace Church and travel to travel together to Camp Victory in Cartwright, Oklahoma.

What to bring
THINGS to bring use this as a checklist when packing!!!
- Bible (notice it is bold, italicized, and underlined for emphasis)
- Toiletries (shampoo, soap, tooth brush, stuff like that)
- Warm Sleeping Bag (or bedding) and Pillow
- Flashlight (seriously, don’t forget this one)
- Towels
- Pack warm. It’s going to be chilly Bring your warm jacket, a hat, and gloves (some serious warmth)
- Clothes that can be worn in the woods
THINGS NOT to bring
- Cell Phones and other electronics
- Tobacco product, vapes/e-cigs, or alcohol (bringing these may result in being sent home)
- Valuables and nice clothes (no need for fancy clothes, be casual)
- Leave your electronics at home. We’re going to meet with Jesus, so give your phone a break for the weekend! –Cameras for pictures are ok! We like pictures! (no you can’t use the camera on your phone. No phones.)
- If you are not sure, ask!
Any cell phones brought on the trip must be turned in at departure. They may only be checked out for calling parents. Pastor Jonathan’s cell phone will be available for parents to call if there is an emergency. Jonathan’s Cell ● 817-233-7524
It’s going to be a great trip. Get your heart ready and pray that God will do a work in your life.
Turn in the release form and your $50 ASAP to get signed up. Spots are limited and will be first come first serve. Don’t miss out!!!